Friday, December 10, 2010

Words of the Day – Thursday, December 9th

Brill = Brilliant (vernacular usage, indicating approval or approbation).

Ida: I’m not hungry yet.
Nikki: I’m not either. Let’s go grab something to eat.

Ida, in the bar at 2am: “Here’s to swimmin’ with bow legged women”. It’s a toast, probably mid-century mid-western.

Ida: “I’ve just spotted the first good looking man on this ship when I was on my way to the loo.”
Nikki: ”What’d you say to him?”
Ida: “I really didn’t because I really had to go”.
Nikki: “I think if you see something like that on the way to the loo, you better just hold it.” Advice to live by, especially in a crowd of 3000 people!

Random sauced Aussie guy at the bar (1 am) told us he had seen us doing laps on the deck earlier that day. “Lap 1:“Look at those huge boobs” Lap 2:“Look at those huge boobs” Lap 3:“Look at those huge boobs” Then he talks to us for a while and says “Wow, you can’t judge the size of the brain by the size of the boobs. This is actually an intelligent conversation!!!”

Nikki: “What is this; the 5th outfit I’ve had on today?” (Actually, yes! One can’t go to ballroom dancing class in jeans, nor take afternoon tea in sweats…oh the things I’m teaching this girl. It’s Cotillion Central.)

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